Diverse Approaches to Learning and Teaching Webinar

Diverse Approaches to Learning and Teaching Webinar

The steering committee of the Fulbright Education Network - Greece (FEN) announces an online seminar under the overarching title Diverse Approaches to Learning and Teaching. Featured speakers are 2023-2024 U.S. Fulbright Distinguished Teacher Julia Puckett and 2023-2024 U.S. Fulbright Global Scholar Meagan Driver.

WHEN: Saturday, April 20, 2024, from 2:30 p.m. to 4:15 p.m. Greece
WHERE: Zoom online platform - please register here*
*A zoom link will be sent to those who have registered one day before the event is to be held. 


2:30 Transformative SEL Comes in Many Forms; Opportunities for Social and Emotional Learning in Greek Classrooms and Schools
     Julia Puckett, Columbine Elementary School, Denver, Colorado, USA

3:15 Linguistic Landscape as a Pedagogical Tool in the World Language Classroom
     Meagan Driver, Dept of Romance and Classical Studies, Michigan State University, USA

4:00 Q & A

Transformative SEL Comes in Many Forms; Opportunities for Social and Emotional Learning in Greek Classrooms and Schools

Abstract: Through school visits, classroom observations, and conversations with educators and students, I have observed different ways in which schools in Greece are providing social and emotional learning opportunities for students. I will share concrete examples from schools and classrooms in Greece that are developing and transforming student's social and emotional skills. Finally, I will share the implications from my research and the resources I will bring back to my educational community in Colorado.

Short Bio
: Julia Puckett is currently a 4th grade teacher at Columbine Elementary School in Denver, Colorado. Columbine Elementary is an EL (Expeditionary Learning) partner school which has allowed Julia the opportunity to create and design multiple learning opportunities for her students centered on authenticity, exploration, and character building. Julia is an active member of her school's instructional and school wide leadership team where she helps to integrate the district's SEL curriculum as the Transformative Social Emotional and Academic Learning Specialist for her school.

Linguistic landscape as a pedagogical tool in the world language classroom

Abstract: This presentation introduces the concept of linguistic landscape (i.e., the use of written language on signs, brochures, graffiti, and advertisements) and outlines the opportunities that exist for its use in addressing critical and community-oriented themes in the world language classroom. The implications of studying the linguistic landscape with language learners will be explored not only for the development of bilingualism but also for initiating participatory, action-based, and locally-relevant initiatives in the language classroom, with particular attention to the secondary context. This brief introduction to the topic will be followed by the presentation of pedagogical materials, including sample projects and outcomes from distinct global regions. Recommendations will be offered for the implementation of linguistic landscape and action-based projects with youth language learners. Finally, time will be reserved for a discussion and question and answer period.

Short Bio
: Meagan Driver is an assistant professor in the Department of Romance and Classical Studies and a core faculty member in the Second Language Studies (SLS) Ph.D. Program at Michigan State University. As an applied linguist, she specializes in mixed-methods approaches to heritage and Second Language Acquisition (SLA). Presently, her work explores the relationship between various emotions, motivation, and questions surrounding linguistic and ethnoracial identity, specifically with respect to the acquisition of a heritage or foreign language. At MSU, she teaches undergraduate, masters, and Ph.D. courses in applied linguistics and SLA in both the Spanish and SLS programs.

The FEN Steering Committee

Tatiani Rapatzikou
Thanasis Bazoukis
Despina Alexandra Constantinides