Fulbright Distinguished Awards in Teaching Program

Fulbright Distinguished Awards in Teaching Program


Application deadline February 17, 2025 at 11:59 PM ET

Program Overview The Fulbright Distinguished Awards in Teaching Research Program provides an opportunity for K–12 educators from the United States to conduct research and engage in other professional learning experiences abroad for three to six months. Fellows work on individual inquiry projects on a topic relevant to education in the United States and the host country, take courses at a host university, and collaborate with colleagues on educational practices to improve student learning.  At the completion of the Fulbright grant, teachers are expected to share the knowledge and experience gained in other countries with their students and colleagues in their home schools and communities. Greece is one of the countries participating in this Fulbright award program and hosts U.S. teachers at one or more schools/universities. Teachers in the program are called “Fulbright Distinguished Teachers”.

Like their international counterparts, U.S. teachers will audit up to two university classes, observe classes in local schools, and share their expertise with teachers and students in local schools and at the host university, and engage in other teaching related activities including the completion of a project.  The Fulbright Foundation in Greece will identify a university, teacher training institute or an educational non-governmental organization to host each U.S. teacher.      

Placements in schools and institutions will be considered throughout the country to better represent the country’s diversity (including race, ethnicity, gender, religion, ability, sexual orientation, gender identity etc.) and to support educational diplomacy goals.  If the host institution is a university, it may offer advanced undergraduate or graduate level courses in English pertaining to the candidate's subject area and inquiry project proposal.  An appropriate faculty or staff member at the host institution will be identified to serve as an advisor to the U.S. teacher.  If English-language courses are not available at the host institution, suitable alternatives will be identified. 

In addition, host institutions will facilitate opportunities for Fulbright Distinguished Teachers to observe, share their expertise in local primary and secondary-level schools, attend professional development activities, and consult with educational experts.  If the host institution is a non-governmental organization, the advisor should be prepared to help with these aspects of the program as well.

The Fulbright Distinguished Awards in Teaching Program is sponsored by the United States Department of State, Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs (ECA). It is administered by IREX, a global development and education organization, on behalf of ECA and in coordination with Fulbright Commissions, Public Affairs Sections of U.S. Embassies, and Ministries of Education in host countries abroad.  IREX is based in the United States and in other countries worldwide.

Eligibility and Application
For additional information on the program please visit


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