Abigail Marie Baker

Abigail Marie Baker


Secondary Education English, Temple University, Philadelphia, PA

A fellow Fulbrighter in the Athens College University Counseling Office often shares the poem “Where I’m From” by George Ella Lyon with seniors writing essays for American universities. The speaker discusses the people and memories that make up her identity.  Students are then asked to write a similar poem to answer the question, “What makes you who you are?”

I’ve started using this poem with students learning about the Harlem Renaissance and the Black American identity through poetry.  Students connect the idea of understanding their personal background to understanding their country’s ancient foundations and modern history. They are prompted to ask themselves, “How can we know where we are going if we do not know where we are from?”

After discussing the components of identity, students wrote their own poem to explain who they are and “where” they are from with truly beautiful results. From descriptions of Greece’s cyan blue seas and snowcapped mountains to memories of family meals and favorite sports, their writing captured what makes each of them unique. Teaching this poem has been an opportunity for me to reflect on my own identity, keenly aware that my time in Greece will have an incredible impact on who I am.

With that in mind, this is where I am from today: Today... I am from cranberry koulouri and a double cappuccino, Yes! I finally got my coffee order right. I am from museums and, more importantly, museum gift shops, A stack of postcards and wish you were heres. I am from “Where are you from, miss?” And “Do you miss America?” and “Do you like Target?” (Yes, I love Target). I am from a ten-year old’s passport photo, Big glasses and shining braces, Wondering when she will get to see the world. “Now,” I tell her.